於是有著Fashion Design文憑的姊姊,和有著Graphic Design背景的妹妹決定自己開發,在地生產一系列有著時尚感和設計簡約的產品。
TiDi 代表著媽媽對孩子的愛,而設計出一系列符合孩子需求、適合孩子使用的包款。
TiDi 不走可愛卡通路線,以俏皮小圓點點及簡潔設計成為 TiDi 的風格。
TiDi 的風格是永不褪流行的圖案、好穿搭的基本色彩、實用貼心的尺寸、和絕對 Made in Taiwan,讓父母和小朋友皆可安心使用的品牌。
TiDi presents a collection of polka dot print and practical quality fabrics accessories for toddlers and babies. TiDi is the project of two sisters in the same desire to provide sustainable solutions for children. With their experiences as mothers, Wenti and Judi felt the need to create comfortable, but also original items, like the kids who use them. In 2013, the safety strap backpack and the water resistance bib were created with functionality and creative easy to use styles.